Terms and conditions

Terms of participation

Participation in motorcycle tours

The participant must hold a valid driver’s licence. The motor cycle used during the event must be registrated for public traffic and in a good and safe technical condition. Greek law applies. Every participant is responsible for respecting the valid traffic regulations and is obliged to drive safely, also with regards to other members of the group. Every participant is responsible for wearing the adequate protective gear. It is strictly prohibited to  make a recording of the routes.

The participants are aware of the increased risks of driving a motorcycle. They drive on their own risk, even when following the guide. The tour operator does not take out any insurance for the participants. The participant has no claims towards the tour operator and all people in charge of the tour, should a harmful event occur during the booked tour. This waiver is also valid for any relatives and other people entitled to maintenance by the participant.

Authority / Responsibility of the participant
The tour guides or other people put in charge by the tour operator have indisputable authority as far as the realization of the tour is concerned. Should a participant fail to obey safety regulations, these terms and conditions or tour-related instructions given by the tour guide, and should he fail to react to any warning in this matter, we reserve the right to exclude the participant from the tour with no refund of the already paid fees. Furthermore, we reserve the right to hold the participant responsible for any damage that may be caused by him.

The price does not include meals (except for breakfast at the hotel) or petrol.

Minimum participation: 4 people

Payment upon booking. If the participation is cancelled up to 4 weeks prior to the start date, we will reimburse 80 % of the fees, up to 2 weeks = 30 %. A later cancellation cannot be reimbursed.

Cancellation by the tour operator
We reserve the right to cancel the tour – even if confirmed in writing –  up to 7 days prior to the start date if the necessary minimum participation is not achieved. In this case, the customers will be completely reimbursed or they can switch to a different date for the tour, whatever they prefer.

We reserve the right to cancel the tour even with shorter notice or after the start date if:

  • The tour guide is not available due to sickness or injury and if no adequate replacement can be found;
  • The route cannot be travelled safely and if there is no alternative route to follow;
  • There are other reasons beyond the tour operator’s control (force majeure).

In any of these cases, our customers will be fully (or partially, if the tour has already started) reimbursed with the paid fees.

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